Need community art to display in game (you will receive credit)

Hey! I’m making a Roblox game about dungeon exploration and I’m around 50% done of the demo. I’ve recently modeled some paintings in blender little to my notice that I’m REALLY bad at making art that would go in said paintings. So naturally I was wondering if you would like your art displayed in my game completely for free. On top of that, I’ll make sure you receive credit for your art so you can get more attention as an artist.

Now, your probably wondering “how do I know this guy isn’t lying”, to which I have included some screenshots of said game:

You’re game looks great. But, your post doesn’t make sense. What if someone offers to send you their My Little Pony fanart? It won’t suit the game at all, especially the dungeon aesthetic.

Also, “receiving credit” is not enough for an artist to create something new for you, most likely they’ll just send anything. (Unless that’s what you’re going for).


I mostly just want anything, I’m not looking for people to make something entirely new. Certain things however, (such as My Little Pony Fanart) won’t be added to the game for obvious reasons. Here’s an image to give people in the future a better idea:

I think this post is best in #collaboration:recruitment , as #help-and-feedback:art-design-support isnt for asking for art, rather asking for help in creating it.

Now quick move it before the mini mods appear!!!


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