Its part of the SCPS genre and I am kinda lost, I ain’t got much ideas so suggest away!
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your gui is very good but
the white rectangle which is inside the red circle doesnot look good (ig) but rather than that your ui
is amazing
Nah dw thats just temp pointing out some changes I prob gonna make
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That UI looks very cool.
However, I do have some suggestions:
- The text “ABYSSAL” could be changed to “A B Y S S A L” and moved slightly lower.
- Line the “0.5” at the bottom so the bottom of the text lines up with the “Version” text
- Reduce the spacing between the letters of the word “P L A Y”
Other than those minor things, I think it looks cool.
Thanks, made your changes expect for 0.5 at the bottom (im in rn concepting and I forgot how to space in that program)
Try making the strokes on play settings and credits thinner, and get the font inter
Abyssal UI.rbxm (12.8 KB)
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Wow thanks (they banned the one word that descrivbes a 30 limit )
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