Need feedback for my badge walk

I made a badge walk, and I think it looks really convincing

However, I feel like its missing something. Dont mind the donate lb because I will fix it
I make badges everyday, but even then, it doesnt seem good enough

Comments and feedback appreciated
Thanks in advance

it’s just a badge walk, that’s the problem. badge walks are not fun

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Looks low quality. For example, the thumbnail seems low quality. It doesn’t look finished yet and it looks like way more could be added. Why do you have a shop in a badge walk game? The game doesn’t seem very inviting either. Not trying to be offensive or anything. It just needs to be improved. :slight_smile:

  1. I made that in 5 secs, im ginna replace it

  2. Those are gamepasses, not in game items

  3. Its early in its development

But thanks anyway

Its not meant to be fun, its just a place to get badges from

Does it look good though?

Try to make the thumbnail more “friendly” to Players. Maybe place some screenshots in-game, and use Blender to show Players In your thumbnails.

I feel that if you haven’t, placing secrets all over your game which Players can find for badges are also a good idea.

Blender can do that? Ill look into it

Good one! I will do that each time i edit


Sorry, I meant making a GFX with Blender, apologies for the poor phrasing.