Need feedback for my reworked lobby

I reworked the lobby for my runner game. The whole UI is mainly black and white, which is why I thought black/white would fit well. The flying obstacles outside all come from different playable maps, I wanted it to give some “galaxy” feel.

Is there anything I can add, remove or change?


There’s definitely some issues with contrast (e.g. the text is not easily readable - it should have a text stroke or something to make it stand out from the white it’s over the top of), and it’s all very bright.

Especially if your UI is black & white themed, wouldn’t that make it a bit harder to see what’s the UI vs. what’s the lobby?
It isn’t bad, but I think there are some changes you could make to make it clearer and easier to understand, since there’s a lot going on!

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I think it looks fun.

I suggest making the gui text a color.

It will go well with the colorful floating pieces.

And maybe make the circle on the pad a color.

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Wow thanks, using strokes had a huge effect :slight_smile:

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