Need feedback on GFX #1

Yes, I do notice that it is called ‘City of Fire’, and it is in the middle of a blizzard. Yes, I also did mean to do that.

I usually don’t get many commissions for my work, but I have a lot of work in my portfolio.

My prices are also messed up, so any suggestions on how much this would cost?


It is something incredible and fantastic even to be the first, it would be a pleasure to pay for works like these

Keep up the good work! thats a really nice gfx

Looks nice, I really like the colour theme used in the GFX. I assume this is a game icon, if so, I suggest making the title bigger so that it’s more visible when it’s uploaded. Otherwise it looks really well made!

This is just a random piece I whipped together, not for any Game Icon or anything like that, just for practice and experience points, but thanks for the advice.

Well it’s really well made! :smile: