Need Feedback on Guns

I need some feedback on this gun system I’ve been making. I don’t know what to add and what needs improving just doesn’t seem right to me. Here’s what I’ve got:

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Why is the camera moving with the recoil? I’d suggest fixing that. Some higher recoil and small horizontal recoil would be nice. Not sure if it’s a thompson or ak but looks like ak and they have a lot of recoil so ya like a said before add way more recoil. The positioning of the hand looks weird, probably because the left hand looks like it’s coming from the right

(also use a different gun sound whenever you find one or make one lol)

What’s this mean? Also yeah I was having some problems with positioning the arms and it does look kinda weird lol

like when theres recoil it makes your body move back and your head a bit but not like the same speed as it

(I think it looks weird cuz theres no shake on the gun idk just looks weird)

i made some changes to the arms idk what to do with them

Add recoil and bullet tracers so the shooting looks cooler :slight_smile: besides that you’ve done a good job on the gun model!

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There is slight recoil but I’ve added more, I’m gonna be adding more of a smoke effect aswell

And add bullet tracers pls that makes the shot looks cool

You mean this?

how to make better smoke effects with particle emmiters

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still, it looks like he has a middle arm

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