Alright so, I am still making the settings system (i have been doing so for like the last month, i’m so slow)
and now I kinda came across an issue,
my code that handles the settings GUI is a bit spaghetti
the problems are:
- the settings (like gameplaysettings and uisettings), are stored in a folder in replicated storage and are then CLONED ONLY UPON clicking a filter button (see codeblock below)
- Inside the
function, i need to get 3 different color values from 3 different textboxes, the issue being is that they are stored inside replicated storage, and are not seen by the code since they are not defined anywhere
here are some explorer screenshots:
- main menu:
- replicated storage (specifically the to-be-cloned elements):
and of course, it’s time for the code
local tService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local rStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
-- Gui elements to clone;
local settingsGuiElements = rStorage:WaitForChild("SettingsGUIElements")
local gameplaySettingsToClone = settingsGuiElements:WaitForChild("GameplaySettings")
local uiSettingsToClone = settingsGuiElements:WaitForChild("UISettings")
local videoPreviewFrameToClone = settingsGuiElements:WaitForChild("VideoPreviewFrame")
local descriptionFrameToClone = settingsGuiElements:WaitForChild("DescriptionFrame")
-- Path to events;
local eventsFolder = rStorage:WaitForChild("Events")
local bindableEvents = eventsFolder:WaitForChild("Bindable")
-- Events;
local openSettings = bindableEvents.OpenSettings
-- Player variables;
local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
local plrGui = plr.PlayerGui
-- Gui elements;
local mainMenuGui = plrGui:WaitForChild("MainMenu")
local settingsFrame = mainMenuGui:WaitForChild("SettingsFrame")
local settingsDiplay = settingsFrame:WaitForChild("SettingsDisplay")
local closeButton = settingsFrame:WaitForChild("CloseButton")
local settingsFiltersFrame = settingsFrame:WaitForChild("SettingsFiltersFrame")
local gameplayFilter = settingsFiltersFrame:WaitForChild("Gameplay")
local uiFilter = settingsFiltersFrame:WaitForChild("UI")
-- Tables;
local previews = {
FieldOfView = {
hasVideo = true,
videoId = "",
description = "Determines how much you can see."
ClassicADS = {
hasVideo = false,
videoId = "",
description = "Determines your aim down sights style."
FPTracers = {
hasVideo = false,
description = "Determines whether tracers from your guns should be visible."
Crosshair = {
hasVideo = false,
description = "Determines whether your crosshair should be visible."
GUIColor = {
hasVideo = true,
videoId = "",
description = "Changes the color of the borders on the given UI."
-- Functions;
local function FilterSettings(filter: string)
if filter == "Gameplay" then
local gameplaySettings = gameplaySettingsToClone:Clone()
gameplaySettings.Parent = settingsDiplay
return gameplaySettings
elseif filter == "Ui" then
local uiSettings = uiSettingsToClone:Clone()
uiSettings.Parent = settingsDiplay
return uiSettings
local function ShowPreview(inputBox: GuiButton)
local valueOf: string = inputBox:GetAttribute("ValueOf")
if previews[valueOf].hasVideo then -- This will run if the hasVideo is true
local videoId: string = previews[valueOf].videoId
local description: string = previews[valueOf].description
local videoPreviewFrame = videoPreviewFrameToClone:Clone()
videoPreviewFrame.Parent = mainMenuGui
videoPreviewFrame.VideoFrame.Video = videoId
videoPreviewFrame.Description.Text = description
-- Function that sticks the preview frame to the player's mouse
-- for as long as it exists
while videoPreviewFrame do
local xPosition = mouse.X
local yPosition = mouse.Y
videoPreviewFrame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(xPosition, yPosition)
else -- If hasVideo is false
local description: string = previews[valueOf].description
local descriptionFrame = descriptionFrameToClone:Clone()
descriptionFrame.Parent = mainMenuGui
descriptionFrame.Description.Text = description
-- Same as in hasVideo, just sticks it to the player's mouse
-- for as long as it exists
while descriptionFrame do
local xPosition = mouse.X
local yPosition = mouse.Y
descriptionFrame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(xPosition, yPosition)
local function UpdateColorResult()
local function OpenSettings()
settingsFrame.Visible = true
I feel like i heavily overcomplicated this and all of this could’ve been done in a much simpler way,
please help me