Need Feedback on Latest Cafe GFX

I’m working on some example commissions for my portfolio and would love some feedback on these:
ignore the watermark, to prevent stealing only

Programs used: Photoshop and Blender
Feel free to give critique feedback as well!!


The render itself is really nice! One thing I would change is probably make the text a bit larger so it’s easier to see. Also the text itself doesn’t really stand out. Would play with color scheme a bit to add more to look at.

check this out:


I think the text could be better, but other than that, it’s pretty good.

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It looks great! The colors and render both look good, however, the text does not fit with the image, you could use another font or different color, besides that, it’s amazing!

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I really like the pose! However, the ‘MSAMI’ text stands out a bit too much. A few things you can do to help this is move the text down a bit and change up the colors a bit. I’d suggest white text with an orange border. Experiment and see what works for you. Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

The MSAMI text is just a watermark. That isn’t on the final copy.

Oh! My bad. I thought it was a part of the actual image.

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