Need feedback on my game logo

This is not my icon, this is the logo I will put in all of my thumbnails and icons.
I’m trying to keep all the art in this game very cartoony and simple looking. This is my first logo I’ve designed, so I’m a beginner at logo design.

This logo is hand drawn and not meant to look perfect because part of the theme I was going for is simple. Here’s the plain version:

But part of what I want is something to go behind it, like this:

It’s supposed to be a banner behind “Beachside” and a wood sign behind “City”
The banner is a bit rough and I need to fix it. But I wanted to get some other opinions before I change anything.

Basically I just need y’all’s opinions on my logo before I continue the design. Even if you think I should fix the banner and be done, any and all input is welcome. Just keep I mind I’m going for simple, low detail, and cartoony. I want it to fit in with the rest of the game.


In my opinion, they look great, but the 2nd image has to be the best one!

I like the style and design of both the text and the frame behind the text look amazing! I don’t see anything here that might need a change.

Nice work! :+1:


I think it looks really cool! Make sure the background text doesn’t overlap the logo though, I think it would look excellent especially with a high quality background behind it.


@loueque Thank you! The second one is definitely my favorite.

@imacutesealy Thanks! The background text is just a watermark, in the icons/thumbnails it’ll be removed.

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I love it, so I decided I’d make my own little version. Amazing work!!



Thank you! Nice remake, I like it!


Really cool. I have some feedback.


  • Make the red ribbon a bit bigger.
  • Make the “Y” in the city a bit shorter, it’s almost out of the log.


I rate that a 9.7/10 game logo, it seems basic, but it’s really cool! I would pay 500-800 robux for that. Keep up with the amazing work! :grin:

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