My game “Honor Roll” has recently entered its public testing phase.
The game is similar to Roblox High School and Akademi High.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
My game “Honor Roll” has recently entered its public testing phase.
The game is similar to Roblox High School and Akademi High.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
If I only had one word to describe this game, I would use the word “Great”
This game is pretty fun and I imagine if there were more people playing it, It would be even better.
The building is really where this game shines. The art direction, and environment is very true to actual schools in the United States (Im assuming this takes place in America because of the U.S. History class), and in general the game looks amazing!
However there are a couple very minor things I will pick at.
First thing I noticed was that this area is incredibly empty and awkward to navigate. The Stores are all in a weird clump, and don’t have anything besides signs that distinguish them from each other.
Also, there doesn’t seem to be a housing / dorm system in the game which is strange because It makes it seem like you’re supposed to be at the school 24/7 (If there is, you should make it more obvious)
this beam pointing from the player’s character to the tooltip is weirdly annoying. I would suggest making it a small arrow, or just completely removing it.
These buttons that appear should not only be more distinct, but also should have the text on them because it took me a bit to figure out
(also I got this question twice in one class)
Something I also found weird was that I was truant for half of the math class, but when I walked back into the class room, I was upstanding again.
This is a bit of a nit pick, but usually I like my stairs being two studs deep as it then fits the players’ feet and also makes for more smooth walking.
Lastly, the game is pretty laggy so you might want to work on optimization. A good place to start with optimization is to just remove any faces you don’t see on all of the meshes (Very tedious, but will help performance!)
In conclusion, the game is great, however the aforementioned things did take away from the experience slightly.
The game is great. However.
You should provide more customization options for males and females instead of making them default to the generic packages.
Running is either too fast, or the animation isnt synced enough to make me feel immersed while running. I love the animation and turning physics while walking though, the running makes it seem like a fighting game slightly. I JUST REALIZED YOU CAN PUNCH WHO MADE THIS THIS GAME IS GENIUS
The movement seems like the key point for me tbh. But the running has to change, maybe make the turning physics slightly more limited like with walking.
game rating: roleplay experience with combat is rare, W game, i will be playing this more
I appreciate the detailed feedback,
There is a dorm system but it is only relevant during sleeping hours.
I’ll definitely take your suggestions into great consideration!
Thanks for the feedback,
The running speed was previously “normal speeds” but has since been changed to a significantly quicker pace due to the large distances between the dorm, school, and shops.
Using your feedback, I will probably change running speeds back to “normal speeds” and implement a quick travel system instead.
Also, I apologize for that teacher beatdown, it looks very brutal and you should sue.