Need feedback on my PS1-Style Horror game!

Hello, devforum people! I have made this horror game and would like feedback on it.
It is a short experience, not really any alternate endings.

Here are some ss’s of it:

And here is the game, if you want to play it:

I hope this doesn’t come off as advertising; I just want some feedback!


Just by the images i saw i already knew how good it is, it reminds me of slender man and siren head i love the old 90’s style also it looks very cool i would 100% play it


thank you so much :pray::blush: a lot seem to think of slender man

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LoL another idea is to get a lot of different images like the ones i gave you and make them switch each 0.1 second so it makes a vhs effect


I never thought of that thanks :+1:


No problem! :slightly_smiling_face: This game feels it will turn out great!


it really does have that ps1 aesthetic, good job


That makes so sense and is very true i was trying to tell him something like that but i didnt know how lol


thank you, I had an issue with Roblox not having texture filtering options. it’s so annoying I hope they bring nearest neighbor to meshparts

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very spooky very nice, bushes are a bit out of place
Here’s the consle because unexpected errors are always gonna happen.

Also the alovera or whatever that bush has goofy lighting.

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Thank you I had a feeling those bushes looked too green
those errors are just nothing too; I get them and I just ignore them

the aloe vera badge is just a skin care joke

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Wow man, this is really impressive. Great game!!

One thing that might help improve the game a little bit:

So I noticed on some of the meshed assets you seem to be using a 2d texture (which is great for this style of game) though things like trees reflect. if you make the material of the tree (with the texture on it) fabric, it removes any reflectance. I’m not sure if this is intentional or not, but if it isn’t maybe this will improve your game a little bit.

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Actually a really cool game, its style is very nostalgic and is something I find quite unique on ROBLOX. You’ve done a great job.