Hey there, I’m working on a new library that allows you to define CollectionService objects in an extremely declarative manner, I’m asking for syntax design questions.
The underlying library itself is finished and works amazingly (not battle tested but it mostly works), this is more of a library ontop of it to provide a declarative design. The library itself allows you to make objects with CollectionService tags, or completely headerless objects if you just want the maid stuff related to threads and events.
The first syntax design I’m going for is this, feel free to give feedback on it!
Most syntax here is commented as its not relevent to the implementation shown
return Object("KillBrick", "BasePart") { -- The first parameter here defines which tag to hook to, and the second parameter is a class name filter through IsA
--Init = function(self) - signalled when the object is set up but after everything else is done
--Destroying = function(self) -- signalled when the object is deleted, (CS tag removed)
--ComponentMoved = function(self, oldParent) -- for specifically components, fired when a component changes parent
Touched = function(self, sender, otherPart) -- this will define the event Touched (which all BaseParts implement, self refers to the object, and sender refers to the part, event parameters are then send variadically, here as otherPart
-- Special logic can be added as keys, the following of which are below
-- A key here refers to a function that returns a special table, ie: Change "Size"
-- Most take one to two options, extra ie Attribute("Specialness", "ClickDetector")
-- [Change (PropertyName, Path?)] - Property Change (self, sender, name, newValue) (its not possible to track the old value cheaply)
-- [StateChange (StateName)] - Internal state change (self, sender, name, newValue, oldValue)
-- [AttributeChange (PropertyName, Path?)] - Instance attribute change (self, sender, name, newValue), unlike StateChange we could track old values here but performce concerns wrt instances unrelated to the base instance.
-- [Event (RBXScriptConnection, Path)] - external event definition, RBXScriptSignal cant be used because the sender needs to be derived, and signals cant do that directly. (self, sender, eventArgs...)
You may also refer to members of the instance with a simple path syntax:
["ClickDetector.MouseClick"] = function(...)
For questions about the special keys, please follow me up, but feel free to give support on any of this.