Need feedback on this map drawer and loader

Hello World!

I’m currently working on a game and made this map loader and drawer thingy
in the future I’ll hopefully implement a BSP (Binary Space Partitioning) tree for the collisions and optimization stuff

Idea was inspired by this video:

Let’s Program Doom - Part 2


This is really cool. But what would this be used for? It might be faster to just make the map without the map drawer right?

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Currently I’m just using this for my own project, and also to learn more stuff about programming. Sort of like a coding adventure thing like the one from Sebastian Lague.

And I’m also currently doing this for my custom chartacter controller which uses raycasts for collisions, The reason why I’m not using Roblox’s built in one is because it stops checking for intersections when the ray is inside the object. So to make it better I’ll just implement my own raycaster and use a BSP tree instead to optimize it and make it easier to make levels for this retro style game I’m making.

So if I’m trying to make a BSP tree, might as well make a custom editor for the levels I’ll be working on. This is very counter intuitive but it seems fun to make so its probably worth a try doing… I think