Need for assistance: Roblox 'Owned Models' Search Bar broken? Any solutions or Ideas?

Hello, I’ve had this potential bug for a few months now, but the toolbox just doesn’t function properly like it used to, I have maybe around 10+ models with the word house in it, and none come up when I search said word. I can even search up the name of a model exactly and it still refuses to show up. The only exception is searching models within the first page loaded, those show up but other than that, the search bar is super limited in what results if any show up.

Here’s a screenshot:

Maybe try to not search the section “My Models” with the word “House” ?

In the screenshot, That’s just an example, trying to show that nothing really shows up, even though back then I’d get all needed results

hmm. maybe try to restart studio ? else reinstall it

I did try this, or maybe I didn’t do it properly, how do you un-install? Delete the downloader?

Also here’s a video that better explains the situation, I have also tried listing “unverified creators”

Try to delete Roblox AND Roblox Studio. To do the way i did, press the Windows Key + R, and type %localappdata%(in the photo)
Then, delete the folder “Roblox” and reinstall. Hope this help !

Hey alright I’ll try this thank you