I just got blender, doing GFX interests me.
I have blender 2.8, it seems easy to use after I watched a few tutorials.
But what I found so complicated was the HDRI because I want to make my own.
1st question: What HDRI I want to make is a cloudy HDRI, and I couldn’t find any images, so how can I make my own?
2nd question: Can someone teach me how to make terrain in blender? So I can make the character have something to walk on.
About my 1st GFX
What I’m trying to make is a person walking in clouds. I need a cloud background, and I guess in paint.net I will make some layered clouds over the character for finishing touches.
But I don’t know how to do that and there aren’t enough tutorials, and 2.79 was always so complicated to me. Can someone please give some time to help me?
If you are interested in helping a friend out, add my discord Squisheh#4971
And here is the pose for my character and what I’m trying to do