Need game ideas

So I literially dont know what game to make since i’m new to developing. I feel like I should make a story game so please list some story game ideas below. I am new to the DevForum so tell me if im doing anything wrong with my post. Thanks!

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Well you don’t need to make a game right away maybe go into a game build some play around with stuff build stuff and you can get ideas from shows maybe and build in roblox.

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I mean I have been scripting for like 2 years so yeah. I don’t know why I call it new.

If your new to making games I’ll try not to strive into creating decent high quality games mainly going into huge projects without knowing the basic start when creating a game:

There’s many factors and ways to finding a game idea you want to create since your new, you wanna start off simple and learn the beginner steps.

Try making - finding an idea that hasn’t been on the platform or ever created, maybe create a game that you will enjoy playing and have interest in. I think the more you think of different ideas it will be different from existing known games, even try creating different games maybe start with basic learning curves.

Don’t rush when creating games, or huge projects start out slow and steady and then you’ll be on your way to creating those huge projects you plan to do later down the line: whatever your interest is in.

Here is a thread related for finding game ideas: