hi guys id like to learn more advanced mathematical functions like using trigonometry, can i have some recommendations for possible resources that i can refer to in order to accomplish this goal?
Math is built upon pre-requisites and so you can’t immediately tackle “trigonometry” if you don’t know algebra for example. If you’re a student, I recommend reaching out to resources like teachers, tutoring, or following some textbook. There is Khan Academy, youtube channels, and more on trigonometry (full courses).
If you strictly just care about “advanced mathematical functions”, the list is shorter. Just look up soh cah toa for trig, their inverses (arcsin, arccos, arctan), what Euler’s number means and e^x, logarithms (and natural log), and more (check the math library).
In the realm of linear algebra like vectors, dot and cross product are most used in math. Matrix multipication for CFrames.
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