Need help about live recording system

I tried to make video system recording player’s move in live.
but it not catching any type of movement.

Client script triggering the event

local RS = game:GetService("RunService")

local CameraSystem = game.ReplicatedStorage.CameraSystem

local GUI = script.Parent
local Viewport = GUI.ViewportFrame

local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Follow
Viewport.CurrentCamera = cam

local Connection = nil

local mirror = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Mirror")

Connection = RS.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
    CameraSystem:FireServer(GUI, Viewport, cam, mirror)

Server script receiving the event

local CameraSystem = game.ReplicatedStorage.CameraSystem
local CurrentPlayer = nil
local GravityTest = game.Workspace.GravityTest

CameraSystem.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, gui, viewport, cam, mirror)
    CurrentPlayer = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
    local mirror = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Mirror")
    for _, Part in pairs(viewport.Map:GetChildren()) do
    for _, Part in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
        if Part.Name == "Terrain" then

        if Part:IsA("BasePart") or Part:IsA("Model") then
            Part.Archivable = true

            local NewPart = Part:Clone()
            NewPart.Parent = viewport.Map

They based on -

How should I do in this situation?

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You could turn up the reflection property

Well sorry for not detailed.
I just trying to make system recording player movement, in live.
but VAR not shown much so I just searched mirror instead

Your viewport is not actually being given data about the player character - as such how do you expect it to replicate the character? You have told the system everything except where the character should be positioned and the CFrame of each of its parts. This is also true for your other unanchored parts.

In short:
When you replicate the mirror over, you arent updating the stuff inside the mirror aside from the camera. As the inner parts are archivable = false, I think this is also why your not seeing anything be updated.

You should also avoid recloning the anchored parts of the map constantly → this is inefficient.