[Need Help] Animation is acting Weird

Hello Developer Forum.
To introduce my self, my name is CloudYugen - a intermediate Lua scripter. (I do much more)
How ever, a animation of mine has been bugging recently.
Which I have been trying to fix but its gotten the best of me and my mental capacity is at a all time low right now over stressing out trying to fix this.

I do not know if this is the right Topic selection, so if it not, please do let me know as I do not know where to put this.

My animation keeps on bugging when I press {A / D} / {Left move / Right Move} in shift lock.
When I press {W / S} or {Up / Down} in shift lock, the anims work perfectly.

I am using the Normal Roblox animate script (Where you can set your idles, walking anims etc).

Here is a video for more insight :

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

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maybe turning off strafing would help? in game.Players
(strafing is enabled in roblox studio but in the actual game it isn’t when its off I think)

Strafing is off, I do not know what is going on.
Maybe Roblox changed new anims?

test the animations in the roblox player, idk lol
roblox being roblox all along

Yeah I will, ty for attempting to help though!

Hello did you try changing the animation priority in the animation creator panel?

Yes, I did to movement. Nothing was achieved

Did u click action 3 or 4? maybe you selected wrong priority

Im using the “movement” action

Are you altering the C0 or C1’s of any Motor6Ds? Also, I think moving this to the Scripting Support category would yield more help.

Try the movement animation priority.