What do you want to achieve?
I’m trying to create a muzzle flash effect for a pistol I’m making.
What is the issue?
When I stand still while shooting, the muzzle flash looks perfectly fine(Image 2), but if I were to move around while shooting(Jump, move side to side Image 1) the muzzle flash image doesn’t clear fast enough so you can see it appear multiple times which isn’t very realistic
–I’m using a particle emitter
Image 1:
Image 2:
What solutions have you tried so far?
1: I’ve tried to decrease the wait time(Code) which didn’t work
2: Increasing the rate of the particle emitter and decreasing the lifetime
3: Setting the rate to 1 and the lifetime to maximum
4: Instead of changing the transparency I’ve tried to just enable and disable the particle emitter as a whole, which doesn’t work for some reason
5: I also tried looking for people with similar problems which resulted in nothing.
After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!
–Using a particle emitter
–This is a function within my main gun code
-Changing the transparency of a particle emitter has to be done with a number sequence(kinda dumb)
function muzzle_flash(shoot_part)
shoot_part.ParticleEmitter.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(1,0)
shoot_part.ParticleEmitter.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(1,1)
– I would love to use something other than a particle emitter to create the muzzle flash, I just don’t know what else could create the same effect.
Additionally, you could try using a script to control the visibility of the muzzle flash effect. For example, you could have the effect only show up for a brief moment when the character fires their weapon, and then hide it when the character is moving or not firing. This would allow you to have more control over the timing and duration of the effect, and avoid the issue of it persisting when it shouldn’t.
Another option is to use a script to adjust the transparency of the muzzle flash effect as it dissipates. For example, you could gradually reduce the transparency of the effect over time, so that it gradually fades away instead of suddenly disappearing. This can help make the effect feel more natural and realistic, and avoid the issue of it being too distracting or noticeable.
Finally, you could try using a script to adjust the scale of the muzzle flash effect based on the character’s movement. For example, if the character is moving quickly, you could scale up the effect to make it more noticeable, and if the character is moving slowly or not at all, you could scale it down to make it less noticeable. This can help make the effect feel more dynamic and responsive to the character’s movement, and avoid the issue of it being too distracting or persistent.
One method you could potentially use is creating a part / mesh by instance or by bringing it out of serverstorage and settings its position to the gun’s muzzle. Then, after a set delay of a few milliseconds, destroy the part / mesh.
function muzzle_flash(shoot_part)
shoot_part.ParticleEmitter.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(1,0)
shoot_part.ParticleEmitter.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(1,1)
Particle Emitters have a property labeled Lock to Part. Guess what it does.
(Answer: It solves your problem)
Also, personally, I enable and disable particle emitters instead of changing transparency.
If what I’m making is going to be a short flash of particles, I put the rate really high.