So I decided I want to become a Roblox YouTuber in a couple months and make some small money so I can get further into Roblox Development while still looking professional and I made a Icon and I just don’t know if it looks too serious or if it needs some work. Can you guys tell me what you think with a Reply or a Like? Thanks!
I also put a watermark just so no one can steal it. Also if anyone wants to, I’ll make one free icon for anybody that reply’s if you want, just put a [S] somewhere in your reply and I’ll DM back with a icon for you.
So I can see where you mean but my name is GreyBuild so I wanted to go for something like monotone (grey, black, and white) for my avatar and icon. Good suggestion though!
I do like it but the background’s uniformity makes it easy to remove the watermark you may want to add a bit of variety to it so it isn’t as easy as opening you image editor of choice selecting the clone tool selecting any random part of the background and then covering the watermark.
add some contrast. put some bright colorful elements to your background, and maybe lighten your character a bit. since the background is colorful, your character should stick out a little better
It’ll come out in about a year once I finish this school year. I actually decided to change it up, instead of GreyBuild, it’ll be PlasmaLogic and the icon will be this.