Need help fast, Animations aren't playing

Hey! So, my current system’s animations play for the person locally, but not for anyone else.

local animationPath = game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerAnimations[class]

local undequipIdle = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationPath.UNEQUIP_Idle)
local equipIdle = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationPath.EQUIP_Idle)
local weaponToggle = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationPath.WEAPON_Toggle)
local weaponBlocking = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationPath.BLOCK_Idle)

local Attack1 = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationPath.ATTACK_1)
local Attack2 = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationPath.ATTACK_2)
local Attack3 = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationPath.ATTACK_3)

Attack 1, 2 and 3 play for whoever uses the script, but don’t show for anyone else, their priority is Action, and the equip idle is Movement.

Script that runs it:

if combo == 1 then
		if combo == 3 then Attack1:AdjustSpeed(1.25) else Attack1:AdjustSpeed(1) end
		local waitT = Attack1.Length - 0.05
		canHit = false
		isAttacking = false
	elseif combo == 2 then
		if combo == 3 then Attack2:AdjustSpeed(1.25) else Attack2:AdjustSpeed(1) end
		local waitT = Attack2.Length - 0.05
		canHit = false
		isAttacking = false
	elseif combo == 3 then
		if combo == 3 then Attack3:AdjustSpeed(1.25) else Attack3:AdjustSpeed(1) end
		local waitT = Attack3.Length - 0.05
		canHit = false
		isAttacking = false

yes I know it’s messy, but I need help asap! thank you!

is it because you are using a local script to play your animations?

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I am, but for some reason, all the other animations play with this script. Only the attack animations don’t.

is the animations priority action, and if your using r15 i would use Animator

All of the attacks are Action, and the idle is Movement.

I actually figured a solution out, I just stopped the idle animation and resumed it after the combat animation was finished, thanks for the help y’all!

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