Need help finding audio!

Since you can no longer publish music due to roblox’s filter to prevent copyright infringement, etc. So I’m trying to find a really good audio, but have no idea which ones are actually good. I’m looking for something like this.

This is for the background music of a main menu, would love recommendations.


You can actually publish music that is copyrighted. You just need to get permission from the creator/owner of the copyright to use it for your game.

However, if you don’t want to go through the hassle, I thought these titles might be a good fit:

This has a somewhat southern style because of the guitars and you could edit out some of the beginning to make it sound better.

If you are looking for something more southern, I would go for something similar to this.

THE FOLLOWING SONG IS COPYRIGHTED. IF YOU WANT TO USE THIS, YOU WOULD NEED PERMISSION It looks like you want somewhat of a southern style to this music so I thought this would be fit.

It is important to search for uncopyrighted music when looking for music and to note in the description that you have permission to use the sound. If the owner of the uncopyrighted material asks for recognition, give it.

When talking to copyright owners about getting permission, be respectful about their pieces, state that you could possibly make money form this so future issues don’t arise, and make sure you list all the pieces you want to use by that creator.

If all else fails, you could possibly hire someone in the hopes of getting some really good music. I only know one composer on Roblox but I am sure you can find tons of other really good composers just like BSlick!


You could also pay a composer to write a theme song for you that perfectly fits your needs.


As Doctor says you can hire a music composer like me!

You can find tons of audio in the audio library all copyright free if its by Roblox

To access the Roblox libaray click here.

Here is just a few examples to the types of audios you are looking for uploaded by Roblox which is copyright free:

I hope you have a nice day and if you need any more help make sure to reply! :smile:

I’m honestly surprised that no one has suggested APM yet.

Associated Production Music is the company that Roblox signed a licensing deal with, providing users of the Roblox platform access and permission to the 500,000+ original soundtracks they have in their library. You don’t have to jump through any legal hoops and there aren’t royalties on their music. You can browse through thousands of albums using keywords, genres, artists, playlists, and most of it you can locate in the Roblox audio library. To sweeten the deal, many of the soundtracks are in high-quality and you can use up to 250 distinct songs in your game.

As mentioned earlier, you’re free to pursue commissioning a composer to create an unique background music for your menu or you can try to pursue permission to use music copyrighted by other companies/artists if you’re careful.