Need help fixing inventory script

Hello, im making a inventory system and im trying to make if where if u press F and the LastToolEquipped Value =='s Nil then ur current light unequips to nothing, but if it doesn’t == nil then your last tool equips, currently i only have it where if u press F it unequips to nothing, when i tried to script it it made the whole thing not work. If you confused tell me and i will explain better

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character
local selected = script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Handler.Selected
local LastEquippedTool = script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Handler.LastEquippedTool

	if E == "f" then
		local equipped = script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Handler.Equipped
		local LastEquipped = script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Handler.LastEquippedLight
		if script.Parent.Parent.Delay.Value == false then
	       if script.Parent.Equipped.Value == true then
				if equipped.Value ~= LastEquipped.Value then
					script.Parent.Parent.Delay.Value = true
				script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Handler.Equipped.Value = nil
				script.Parent.Equipped.Value = false
					script.Parent.Parent.Delay.Value = false
				script.Parent.Unequipped.Disabled = false
				script.Disabled = true
				local equipped1 = script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Handler.Equipped
					local LastEquipped1 = script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Handler.LastEquippedLight
					if script.Parent.Parent.Delay.Value == false then
				if equipped1.Value == LastEquipped1.Value then
							script.Parent.Parent.Delay.Value = true
					script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Handler.Equipped.Value = nil
					        script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Frame.Equip.Text = "Equip"
					script.Parent.Equipped.Value = false
							script.Parent.Parent.Delay.Value = false
							script.Parent.Unequipped.Disabled = false
					script.Disabled = true

Sorry I explained this very bad, I’m trying to make it where if u equip a tool the tool will go into a object value, if you Click F which F equips a light source u equip ur lantern but here’s what I want to change, I want to make it where if the value for the LastToolEquipped == false then when u press F it equips to nothing, but if it doesn’t == nil and u Press F then instead of equipping to nothing it equips to the LastToolEquipped

I tried to add this into the script but it ruined the whole thing, any help?

Why not use userinputsrvc? Its more easier. Mouse.KeyDown is d3precated.

I know how to unequip the tool and equip it it’s just idk where to put it in the script

Not deprecated, just superseded.

Can you comment the area in the code where you would like the flashlight to be equipped? I’ll see what I can do.

The script I put in the post fully works just without the feature I wanted, if u press F ur lantern equips, press it again your lantern goes away all I want to change is if there is a value for LastEquipedTool then it equips it instead of ur lantern going away, if there isn’t a value then the script works the exact same as u press F ur lantern equips, press it again your lantern goes away, idk where to put the If statement in the script tho, last time I tried the script no longer works. Do you get what I’m saying?


Shouldn’t this be all you need if the script is working as you stated? Assuming “LastEquipped1” is an ObjectValue instance of which its value is a reference to the Tool instance itself which was most recently equipped.

No, if you shouldn’t put that as the equipped if there is a value for LastEquippedTool

Can you comment the area in the code where you would like the flashlight to be equipped? I’ll see what I can do.

I’m just going to repeat my earlier message as I have no idea what you’re saying.

ah nvm ill try to figure it out