Need help fixing rides

Hello everyone,

So I’m probably a minority when it comes to this issue but maybe someone could help me out with it. So I’ll try to describe it as best as I possibly can. So I create theme parks and various roller coasters/rides here on the site (example) and I’ve recently noticed that a recent roblox update broke some of my theme park’s rides. I had this same issue when roblox moved it’s physics engine from legacy to the new one (whatever it is called lol). Anyway, the issue I am having is on my coasters that aren’t velocity based (meaning that after chain hills, the rides will eventually slow down or seem to get stuck on little bumps). It seems to be on track piece that aren’t smoothed down (which this was never an issue before). Another issue is some rails with velocity seem to be too powerful for carts. This has also never happened before until some recent update. I’m honestly at a blank and I don’t know what to do here. If anyone has any advice, it would be much appreciated.

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Using Archimedes V2 Plugin can help give you smoother pieces of track, otherwise you can try out not relying fully (but maybe still relying a bit on it) on physics for your ride to work (Which I have no experience on)


I’ve personally used that plugin located above and it does help quite much, But you might want to play with it before you do anything first!


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Thanks, I’ll play around with it and see what I can do.

Let me know if you have any difficulties using it!

Well, looks like the solution was very simple and overlooked. The carts weren’t flexible enough causing them to randomly stop or not work. I was going off of 2014’s physics rather than 2018’s physics. Thanks everyone for helping out. Also @Scriptos even though the plugin wasn’t useful for my situation, I will be using it for scenery and other things later in the future. Really cool plugin. c: