Need help for clothing changer button script

Hi guys. I need help for my script. I make a button changer face with succes, but io don´t know why the pants and shirt changer not work. Here is the script for the face changer:

local selected = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Selected
selected.Value = script.Parent.Name
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character
local faces = char.Head:FindFirstChild(“face”) --face is the starterface of your character
script.Parent.face:Clone().Parent = char.Head


Here the one for pants or shirt changer:

local selected = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Selected
selected.Value = script.Parent.Name
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character
local pant = char:FindFirstChild(“Pants”)
script.Parent.pants:Clone().Parent = char.Pants --THIS LINE DON´T WORK


Thx for helping

The reason it doesn’t work from waht I can see, when changing the parent, the Pants in character was destroyed, so you’re basically trying to chang ethe parent of the clone to a destroyed thing. try changing it to char instead of char.Pants

you doing it well but the problem is pant u can automaticaly change it with decal id like this:

local selected = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Selected
selected.Value = script.Parent.Name
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character
local pant = char:FindFirstChild(“Pants”)
pant.Id = script.Parent.pants.Id

I tried this with pant.Id but this is the error:

Id is not a valid member of decal

thx for help