Need help for making FNAF look left and right camera system?

Hello! It’s been a while since my last topic. So today I have been up to something else. It is one of Scott Cawthon’s games… Five Night’s At Freddy’s. Currenty I am developing Five Night’s At Freddy’s 4 in roblox for the people to enjoy in roblox’s version!

So I need help to where should I start in making a look left and right camera system. You know what I am talking about right? The thing when you hover your mouse to the left, the camera will look to the left. Then if you hover your mouse to the right, the camera will look to the right. Basically called: “Look Left/Right Camera system”… for me lol.

Since I am new to these kinds of stuff. I am new to camera and mouse too. So any help you offer me is appreciated! I need help where should I start or something.

Overall, if you had any ideas, suggestions, questions, do let me know in the replies section below!

Possible questions I might get asked:

You people: Are you sure that’s all you need?
My answer: Yes. All I need is your help of how to make a look left and right camera system like Five Night’s At Freddy’s.

You people: You need help with rigging animatronics?
My answer: No for now. I actually finished rigging EVERY animatronic in FNAF 4. But in future cases, I might need help from you rigging something complex. Maybe…

Again, all help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!


To make that system I think you should use mouse and camera.CFrame, like:

camera = workspace.Camera



Nice tutorials:


@liamazu1000 uh huh yes. I already have that in my code. I know what it does. Next step please?

Look at the tutorials.
And the wiki

links in my previous reply

You could make the camera type scriptable then use the Run service to go every heartbeat the cameras CFrame = the actual camera then implement a way to detect what side of the screen the mouse is on rather with guis or just mouse position

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Using GUIs must be a good idea. All I have to do is detect if the cursor hovers inside that gui. Left or right gui using .MouseEnter event. Cool! Thanks for suggesting!

Alright! After 2 days of experimenting, I finally got it to work properly! Thanks to @SlateAlloy582 and @liamazu1000 for suggesting me the ways to fix the problem! I am supposed to mark both of your replies as solution but devforum only lets us mark one reply as solution only. Hopefully anytime roblox will change it to be able to select multiple replies as solution!

All I can do now is mark this one as solution. Since I already got the solution because of you two. This is now what happened: RobloxStudioBeta 2020-11-23 17-23-42-712

as you can see in the video, when I hover to the left, the camera will pan to the left. If I hover to the right, the camera will pan to the right. If I pan to the middle, it will pan on the middle.Just like Five Night’s At Freddy’s!

Thanks again @SlateAlloy582 and @liamazu1000! I appreciate your help!