I have a Roblox game that is failing, what should I do? My game is a Joshua inspired game and its where you screen record movies and then you stream them and thats how you earn money in the game.
here is the game link: Illegally Stream Movies to Pay Your Rent - Roblox
When the game first came out, I advertised it with 14k over 1 week. The game averaged around 3 players and now its averaging 0 again. Is this just the game and I can’t really do anything to fix it. Or are there some tips I could use to help get my player count back up.
The game is just boring there isn’t much to do, you click a few buttons until you buy friends, then you wait for them to make money, then you walk to buttons to buy things
Try adding more things to the game for example:
- Minigames
Every random amount of time a minigame pops up, if the player succeeds in whatever the goal for it is, they get a bit of bonus money
- Obbies
Even though an obby in this type of game seems odd, I’ve seen somewhat successful games with this same type of gameplay have obbies, and when beaten the player could receive an award
There could be different varients like easy, medium, etc, and after beating one it goes on cooldown for a bit (maybe 3-5 minutes or so)
- Interaction with other players
Socializing in games can help your game succeed, so you could make it so players could give money to each other, or anything that has players interacting with other players
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