Need help getting stuff for my new game

If you have any pre-built models that are games (i.e darts, 8 ball pool, chess, connect 4), please send them to me

Basically, I wanted to recreate this game: (update)💸get paid to vibe! - Roblox, The owner never really updates it anymore and me and a couple others wanted to recreate it.

We need games, and a map, I have already coded a built a piano.

For games, if you could make some or send us some models you know of/made that would be amazing!

For the map, if you could PM me, we could get the payment sorted out.

I am not looking for a entire map, just small chunks as I go as our budget is small but growing as people donate and fund our project.

Basically, we just wanna recreate the map but make it different.

If you want to keep in and check on our progress you can join my group, or play the game: book club - Roblox

edit: for you people going to say “oh actually he just updated it”, what i mean is this is the first update we have gotten in a year and it isn’t even good, it fixed minor bugs but created more major bugs.

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