Need help growing a game

Hello Devfourms!

I began my Roblox dev journey a little over a year ago with a friend. Two months ago we released our first game Find The Clash Troops

Over these two months we’ve witnessed some slow growth. Our concurrent players are almost always between 0-9, with only a few instances it got over 10. We have received very positive feedback and players seem to enjoy the game telling by its above average playtime and decent retention, as well as telling us in our Roblox group or Discord server. We have put up both sponsor and user ads several times, which do get us some players, but not enough to make our money back.

We would appreciate it a lot if we could get any feedback, criticism, or tips! Ask any questions you have, and I’ll try to respond ASAP :grin:


I’ll just update this list as I play.

  • The world looks incredibly contrasted, and maybe saturated too. Dark areas are very dark, and bright areas are very bright (at least during the night).
  • The music and sound effects are well done.
  • I do like the placement of the UI. Things move smoothly and are placed conveniently. But my issues are that sometimes the UI is different in size and appearance–squares are larger/smaller in different tabs and some things have sharp corners while others are curved.
  • I think the interactive and explorable environment is very fun. I enjoyed talking to NPCs and messing with objects, as well as walking into new rooms. The purple river introducing a new effect (slowness and damage) and sending me to the Afterlife I think was very well done.
  • Though I do wish I can more easily disengage from a conversation–specifically by being allowed to walk away or skip text.
  • The swim animation can use some work, unless twitchy is what you’re going for. And I cannot jump out of the water without standing on something.
  • Disappointed that I cannot freeze to my doom on the snowy mountain nor be harmed by touching cacti.
  • I appreciate being told when I have already found something, in case I forget or assume the game is broken.
  • Having obbies and puzzles for players I think is a very enjoyable challenge.
  • I think it’d be more convenient if I wasn’t required to constantly hold Left Shift to run, since there’s no detriment to running constantly.
  • My teleport UI broke at some point. There are no teleport options.
  • Didn’t like losing my items after dying, especially since I don’t always know what they’re meant for before I obtain them and I can die at multiple points in my play.

I think the game is good for what I believe it aims to be–a simple silly exploration game.
I wouldn’t play it in my free time though, unless I’m feeling extremely casual.
I think to attract more players you should change what players are looking for. I know what Clash of Clans is, but I’m not interested in playing a game in that area of IP. You can swap out some things here and there to make it an Easter egg hunt game, something I’d be more likely to play because it’s not based on an IP I have no knowledge or interest in.
For monetization you can easily look back at previous egg hunt games or events.


Thank you very much for your response! Will work on some of your suggestions.