What are you attempting to achieve?
I want this frame stay together (unbreakable weld) I meant, I want parts of frame to stay together. -
What is the issue?
wont stay together if hit certain part. -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I did searched up for it and non of these easy to understand or help. and its not on youtube video which has same issue as mine.
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Try A hinge it does not break.
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I think that you can try making collision groups so the blue part cannot touch the frame.
I cannot connect weld with collision group. because of weld are not part
Try using weld constraints instead of a weld.
What is that blue brick doing?
its for destroy stuffs like house and etc. its like as tsunami.
if weld == nil then
local newweld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
newweld.Parent = script.Parent
newweld.Part0 = -- part #1
newweld.Part1 = -- part #2
note: might not be reliable
So look, you’re telling me you have a part that destroys stuff (as in breaks welds) and its breaking welds and you don’t want it to. This is making no sense.
You need to modify your tsunami script to be smarter about what it destroys.
Tag the weld or name the weld something that your tsunami script will check and ignore.