Need help making a map

All I have to say is the color, if you are going for a military base-themed build, add some lighting and shader, and maybe do some color correction in side studio so that it’ll sell the effect more, Nice Work!

Shading was after map is done and it does look done so:

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Lighting is a game changer always

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I have the lighting done and it does infact look good.

Here a video.


Damn, it already looked good but that’s just insanely good looking

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I mean I have seen better and I am just a noob at building I would not call it good. But thanks. In the mean time tell me how this looks:

As its a zombie style game so the weapons. Just need some tips on how it looks.

It all looks pretty good, few nitpicks could be the default inventory UI but i know how annoying it can be to make a custom one (I’ve tried like three times so far) and the muzzle smoke covering a bit too much

The hotbar I am working on. Its just a small game and probably would give up randomly after a few days (hopefully not). And thanks for that Ill be fixing the muzzle smoke.

Don’t give up, it seems like it’s coming along quite well