Need help making a swinging axe

Whats the most efficient way to make a swinging axe, like this

I first tried a tween with reverse set to true but it looked very janky.
I then tried 2 tweens but either I can’t make it work right or it still looks janky
could anyone direct me to any methods of doing this?

Something like this?

A good way to this will be tween service. Yes, tween service. I know for you it wasn’t good but this is done with tween service. Looks quite realistic.

Here is the code I used:

local Pendullum = script.Parent

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local PendullumTweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,-1,true,0)
local PendullumGoal = {Rotation = 90}

local PendullumTween = TweenService:Create(Pendullum,PendullumTweenInfo,PendullumGoal)
PendullumTween :Play()

I didn’t know InOut was an option for easing style, thanks.

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