Basically I’m making a Rhythm game based off a song’s BPM and because of this system, I use a singular clock for all my notes. Since I use a singular clock, the clock gets resetted after the beat has past.
The result of doing this means the second the beat passes, the player doesn’t have a chance to hit the note after it passes, resulting players most likely pressing it before the timing.
I thought of fixing this bug by making the notes spawn in earlier but it doesn’t fix anything and makes the beat off-sync.
A possible solution is to make a seperate clock for all my new notes which is what I’m probably going to do if no one can give me a solution for this problem. (I’m looking for ways to avoid this solution as it will force me to rewrite a lot of code)
if ( > self.nextfullBeat) then
self.nextfullBeat = self.lastbeat + self.crotchet -- where my problem is
self.lastbeat += self.crotchet
P.S. I can’t leave a gap for the timing as it will go very badly if the song has a high BPM
oh yeah I also won’t be able to read the replies for a while