Need help making this timer 0:00 game

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local TimerEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.TimerEvent
local ScreenGui = player.PlayerGui.MainSystem

local stopTimer = false

    ScreenGui.TimerFrame.TextLabel.Text = timer
        timer = timer - 1
        ScreenGui.TimerFrame.TextLabel.Text = timer
        timer <= 0 or stopTimer == true    
    stopTimer = false


I have this script that allows me to fire a timer on a screen gui. from a serverscript ( this script is located in starter character script )

What im trying to do. Is im trying to make this script change a value in replicated storage and make the time display like this “00:00”

The reason why it’s a value in replicated storage is because ( check screenshots ) :

I have 2 timers…

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If I’m reading this right, you want to convert a number to the MM:SS format. I had a similar problem to this and this is where I learnt what a modulus is. Anyways, for any number, you can convert it to that format using this function:

function toTime(number)
     local minutes, seconds = math.floor(number / 60), number % 60
     -- this is somewhat tricky
     if minutes < 10 then minutes = "0"..minutes end
     if seconds < 10 then seconds - "0"..seconds end


For HH:MM:SS, check this out.

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Well, i dont know where to put this, since we have 2 scripts ( 1 that defines the script to run when a remote event is fired ) and the second is the one that fires the event for example:
Timer:FireAllClients(30) ← 30 seconds

I would suggest you put the function in the client script and pass the raw time value from the server using remotes. Something like this:

-- On the server, after all the other code
Timer:FireAllClients(num) -- any number of seconds

-- On the client
function toTime(number)
     local minutes, seconds = math.floor(number / 60), number % 60
     -- this is somewhat tricky
     if minutes < 10 then minutes = "0"..minutes end
     if seconds < 10 then seconds - "0"..seconds end


     TextLabel.Text = toTime(num)
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