Need help modifying ACS


My game uses a weapons platform system called Advanced Combat System developed by dusek_br. I have recently begun shifting to a modified version and have found some compatability issues between other scripts in my game and ACS.

The weapon system has a client-side appearance of fake arms in the camera. The problem is, that because of the way that one team’s appearance is modified, the clothing the player wears is not cloned into the fake arms, making them appear like this:

Instead of like this:

The quick fix that I want to do is just put in a default piece of clothing attached to the arms, it is the simplest and fastest fix I can think of, but I have no idea how to write that into the code. Modifying the code to be compatible with my class system is out of my reach entirely, so I settle for the simple fix.

This is the line of code that handles the fake arms and their clothing. I think it attempts to copy clothing from the character, but my scripts delete and replace the clothing after ACS even tries.

if char:FindFirstChild('Shirt') then
	shirt = armModel:FindFirstChild('Clothing') or'Shirt')
	shirt.Parent = armModel
	shirt.ShirtTemplate = char.Shirt.ShirtTemplate

How do I just create a clothing asset that I can set manually in these lines

I am not a scripter so please treat me like I’m dumb.

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Try using acs 2.0.0
It fixes most of the client side problems
You can upload custom arms
Its also far more realistic than 1.7.5 for example