Need help, Naruto CC script stopped working

Basically my friend runs a Naruto CC and we have a script that runs with Adonis plugin and you can execute it by saying :wipe username or a bunch of other commands. Recently (after working) out of nowhere, nobody touched the scripts they started giving this error message:

429: Attempt to index boolean with ‘DontError’ and doesn’t let us use the command for only 3 of the many commands.

I tried to revert the game, change which admin levels can use it but nothing worked, the error stuck with. I’ve tried to talk with some of my friends but none of them knew what it did. One suggested that one of the plugin supports it runs off of is down right now, however I Don’t know what it runs off of other than adonis to see what command can run it. I really need help trying to fix this. If anyone has any idea much abliged.


Can you send the line 429 of the script?


Thing is, this is in the adonis script under the plugins section so there isn’t a line 429 in this script. I didn’t originally make these so I don’t know what other scripts it might be linked too or how to find it.

1 Like

here are the scripts of the 3 scripts that are working and for example I’ll provide one of the scripts in the plugin section that is working unlike these 3

1 —
server.Commands.AddSpec = {
Prefix = server.Settings.Prefix; – Prefix to use for command
Commands = {“AddSpec”}; – Commands
Args = {“Players”, “String”}; – Command arguments
Description = “Sets the Spec of the player, make sure the first Char is capitalized”; – Command Description
Hidden = false; – Is it hidden from the command list?
Fun = false; – Is it fun?
AdminLevel = “Owners”; – Admin level; If using settings.CustomRanks set this to the custom rank name (eg. “Baristas”)
Function = function(plr,args) – Function to run for command
local Players = service.GetPlayers(plr, args[1], true, true)
for i,v in pairs(Players) do
local Level = game.ServerStorage[".skilltree"][v.Name]
local Location = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
if Level then
local Clone =“IntValue”)
Clone.Name = args[2]
Clone.Parent = Level
if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then
v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Location

2 –
server.Commands.SpReset = {
Prefix = server.Settings.Prefix; – Prefix to use for command
Commands = {“SpReset”}; – Commands
Args = {“Players”}; – Command arguments
Description = “Resets the Stats of the player, make sure the first Char is capitalized”; – Command Description
Hidden = false; – Is it hidden from the command list?
Fun = false; – Is it fun?
AdminLevel = “Owners”; – Admin level; If using settings.CustomRanks set this to the custom rank name (eg. “Baristas”)
Function = function(plr,args) – Function to run for command
local Players = service.GetPlayers(plr, args[1], true, true)
for i,v in pairs(Players) do
local Location = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then
game.ServerStorage[".stats"][v.Name].SpentSkillPoints.Value = 0
for a, b in pairs(game.ServerStorage[".skilltree"][v.Name]:GetChildren()) do
v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Location


3 –
server.Commands.Wipe = {
Prefix = server.Settings.Prefix; – Prefix to use for command
Commands = {“Wipe”}; – Commands
Args = {“Players”, “String”}; – Command arguments
Description = “Wipes the player, make sure the first Char is capitalized”; – Command Description
Hidden = false; – Is it hidden from the command list?
Fun = false; – Is it fun?
AdminLevel = “Creator”; – Admin level; If using settings.CustomRanks set this to the custom rank name (eg. “Baristas”)
Function = function(plr,args) – Function to run for command
local Players = service.GetPlayers(plr, args[1], true, true)
for i,v in pairs(Players) do
_G.Permadeath(v, args[2])

One that works –
server.Commands.SetRank = {
Prefix = server.Settings.Prefix;
Commands = {“setrank”,“SetRank”};
Args = {“player”,“value”};
Description = “Set player Rank Value (1-5)”;
AdminLevel = “Admins”;
Function = function(plr,args)
if not args[1] and args[2] then error(“Argument missing or nil”) end
if not tonumber(args[2]) then error(“Argument 2 is not a valid number”) end
local folders = service.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(".stats")
for i,v in pairs(service.GetPlayers(plr,args[1])) do
local playerFolder = folders:FindFirstChild(v.Name)
if playerFolder then
local Data = playerFolder:FindFirstChild(‘Rank’)
if Data then
Data.Value = tonumber(args[2])
server.Functions.Hint("Set “…tostring(v)…” rank to "…tostring(args[2]),{plr})
error(“No weapon data value found”)
error("Could not find data for "…tostring(v))

If its a bit hard to read I can take photos of the exact scripts and upload them here, I know this isn’t as long so it mashes the script up a bit

Your scripts is a little complicated is that all to make commandes system or what?
and why you do evrything inside a table?

Those scripts run through the plugin section of the adonis admin script under where you can make plugins, its a server plugin. Those make commands that you can say in game to make things happen since its a naruto CC game, so wipe resets all their data in the game, SPReset makes it so all their skillpoints and things they bought reset and addspec gives them a tool and adds them into it

Like I believe I said, this system was not made for me, it was something I was given and obtained so I don’t know all the ins and out to it.

You cant understand the problem if u use another system that u are not made, try to do it by yourself because i see that script so complicated, Im sure there is a better way to make that system without plugins