Need help on how to prevent lag when building!

I have a builder man im just asking how to prevent lag when moving massive builds

If you want to use meshes too, you do need to make 3d models, though

Maybe check if there are un-necessary things on anchored blocks like welds, attachments, and stuff

Unions tend to corrupt after studio updates.

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Is the picture the result of completing the tycoon, or is it the appearance of the tycoon after you purchase the plot?

the complete tycoon as of roight now

It might help if you set transparency to 1 on the stuff you have to make/ buy

hmm maybe when i move it ill set transparency to 1 on everything then undo it when its moived

You should have the first appearance of the tycoon being shown in studio instead of the final product, and then try to clone the extra buyable things into the tycoon, so when you duplicate, studio wouldn’t duplicate so many parts and scripts from the finished product.

This is kind of hard to explain. Don’t be afraid to ask me if you don’t understand what I mean.

hmm idk sounds really complex to me

So you know how when a tycoon starts, it’s a very empty plot with no walls and stuff? Duplicating something like that should should not lag the studio, since you are duplicating very few parts. You want to have a script that would build the tycoon, instead of having the full finished tycoon in your studio because there’s would be too many individual parts and scripts that Roblox end to duplicate.

A way to build onto all the tycoons would be to place duplicated models and walls into the ReplicatedStorage, and then place a script anywhere -that is not in the tycoon (so it is not duplicated along with the tycoon)- which would detect everything and clone all the parts onto the tycoons.

idk ho to make it so its only shows the start version of it

Here’s a break down of the steps.

  1. Create or grab the parts of the tycoon that should be the beginning product of the tycoon

  2. Dissect each part or dropper into models that will be cloned and place them in the ReplicatedStorage. Any model that is exactly the same as some other model that already existed should not be added again, since it doesn’t make sense to. It’s okay to put scripts into the models of the ReplicatedStorage, since they aren’t being duplicated 5+ times in studio

  3. Insert a “script” into somewhere

  4. Define everything inside the ReplicatedStorage into the script. Turn it into a table if you want to save time and you know how to use them.

  5. Define the buttons so that when they are pressed, it clones a model or dropper and position the cloned items where they should be

This is honestly a pretty complicated way that needs a lot of time to do, and there are definitely other ways to achieve the same result. It’s fine if you don’t want to go through all of these steps, since there is probably a simpler way. This method is just how I would have preferred to do it.

oml idk if i can do that man ill try

hold on could i pay you to do it?

Try it out in a separate game so you don’t accidentally ruin your main game by copying and pasting the tycoon into the separate place. Use Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste. Try checking out tutorials for a better way to make tycoons I feel you find my method too complicated.

I will try to edit and link some if I do find one that fits your problem.

  1. This video goes over creating objects when you press a button in the tycoon. Notice the way he sorts his things in folders and how he places them into a table and replicates them.

  2. This is a free model of a tycoon making kit. Analyze the scripts inside the model of the tycoon so you understand how the creator was able to clone more parts to the tycoon. Please don’t turn lazy and copy the whole thing because it’s bad for your healthyy

@tennis_dad Don’t pay me, try to learn how to do it and you will realize how awarding it is. I am also not looking for jobs to do, so I refuse :frowning: .

Hey, well… as others have stated, change your studio graphics to reduce lag… but you may also try to reduce the amount of parts you have on the island by simply establishing unions to reduce lag.

There are many factors to reduce lag issue your tycoon may have a lot of parts or unions causing lag; have you consider turning them into meshes if your using unions in certain areas, I’ll recommend using them in moderation when needed unions actually can cause more lag. You should balance the amount of parts, textures or unions being used in certain areas of the tycoon.

Do you mind providing more information or images to get a good understanding of what is being used on your build as it’ll help provide a solution to your problem? You can convert unions into meshes to reduce lag. There are few threads that are related to ‘projects causing lag when building’. If your build has a lot of textures and unions they tend to get quite heavy.

it still lags when moving ima just suck it up and spend an hour to move it

Emulation for different devices always work for me to reduce the lag, there is an emulation for other devices option above your workspace. Change it a device which has low memory usage, i genrerally changei t to ipad or iphone something, it really helps.
Otherwise you can change your lightning settings too, change it to compability when you’re building change it back to what you want when you publish