Need help on making a Cooking System

Because its just list of items, possible hacker can’t get something interesting from that. So you can just put it somewhere in replicated storage, to have free access from local and server scripts.

Yes, but you need too have some way cooking script check which ingredients you have, and which not.

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An example (tested):

local recipes = {
	["Miso Soup"] = {
		Ingredients = {
			"Dashi Granules";
			"Miso Paste";
			"Green Onions"

return recipes


 local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local moduleScriptsFolder = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts")

local recipesList = require(moduleScriptsFolder:WaitForChild("RecipeList"))

local currentRecipe = "Miso Soup"

for i,v in ipairs(recipesList[currentRecipe].Ingredients) do


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What’s the issue here? I don’t see any script snippets…

Thank you! But I don’t really understand where to put the normal script, or do I need to make a folder for each recipe?

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So you better put it in Cooking GUI, because you can directly interact with GUI Elements, without using RemoteEvents. But, you still need second Script in ServerScriptService to handle Promixity Prompt events. P.S Any way, right now I writing something similar. So I will explain you some things if you need.

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Alright thanks! Do you mind explaining more because I’d like to learn more, you don’t have to

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Okay, I will wake up tomorrow, and continue writing. I guess, I will finish with that for 2-3 hours after starting.


Its taked 9 hours instead of 3 hours, lol. But I did very raw prototype and here showcase.

(Its working with any ingredient values. Also, you can use ModuleScript instead of Values) So… It’s something which you wanna get, yes?

Oh wow yes! It looks exactly how I imagined it, thank you so much for the showcase!

I didn’t want to fully uncopylocked my future game stuff, but planning to remake it little better so I will try to explain it, when it will be finished.

It would be best for you to have a folder with int values with the actually intvalue.value being the quantity and the being the name of the ingredient. In a module script, it would be best to have the recipies in a dictionary with the keys being the ingredients and setting them equal to the amount of each ingredient you need to make the recipe.

I have done something like this but without the UI though. it was done with like 2-5 function iirc.