I’m pretty new to scripting and I want to make a Cooking System. I have made the GUIs, and I need help getting started with the scripts for the system.
yeah I will probably do that
but when they got all the ingridients, i want them to go to a stove and press cook with a proximityprompt and then the finished food will go in their inv
So I think, you will need to use module scripts, to store ingredients and recipes.
recipes = {
["Miso Soup"] = {
-- some like settings parameters or etc (if you want)
Satiety = 60; -- For example
Ingredients = {
"Dashi Granules";
"Miso Paste";
"Green Onions"
["Egg Rolls"] = {
Satiety = 30; -- Again for example
Ingredients = {
"Ground Pork";
"Ground Ginger";
"Garlic Powder";
"Egg Roll Wrappers"
return recipes
Just get each ingredient with current recipe, and using for index, value in ipairs loop, clone template (or what you’re using idk) change text for text label, to ingredients from list (inside your recipe list GUI).
Also, when you have all of the ingridients for the selected food, is it possible to make a proximity prompt that cooks it and then the food goes into the invetory?