Need help on math.random (ASAP)

I really need help on this I already try this but it doesn’t work, it took me 4 month but I doesn’t work

check for any errors including typo, a recheck on how they set them up in the video corresponding with your script. That’s all I could possibly say for now, also I don’t really get what is the problem that you’re dealing with by generally saying “it doesn’t work”.

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1st, code?

2nd, best explanation I can give

Create a table with all of the locations, after that, when you need it, run a function and choose a random location from the table, if I’m not wrong it’s math.random([1, #table]), but I might be wrong, anyways, someone’s gonna tell you, after that, take the chosen location and put it as the location of the object


This is the 4th time you post this same exact question in a single day. Stop. One post is more than enough.

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Code? Information? You’re just giving us a tutorial and asking for help. We need to see your code before we can help!

Wheres your code? We can’t help you without a code snippet.

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