Hello, so I have been working on a sword script lately and I was trying to script in the animation with it, but the only problem is that when the animation plays only I can see it and nobody else can. I’ve tried coping the script into a server script but then it just won’t work. If anyone thinks they know why only I can see the animations please reply. Thanks!
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It would be helpful if you can show the script to us
local tool = script.Parent
local anim = Instance.new('Animation')
anim.AnimationId = 'rbxassetid://6232994404'
local track
track = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim)
track.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
track.Looped = false
if track then
This is the script I am working with.
Ok I’ll try that and get back to you!
you dont need to do tool.Equipped and THEN tool activated, remove the equipped part.
Yes I know but I was going to add something on later for when you equip it
Still, you shoudn’t connect the Equipped event there;
Put it on another place;
stop being lazy and make a variable for the player, character, humanoid and animation track.
A animation will only replicate for every client if the animation is exported to a group where you have access to it.