Need help on Speedster/flash lightning effect!

Hello, im Blood007lol and i am a hudge fan of the flash.
I see some flash roblox game and i want to make a lighting effect but the only thing i do is this

And i want this

I think my trail is bad and i try to search on youtube and some topics on the DevForum
If you know what to do do plz reply
Thanks to your time here and reading my topics


The trail looks extremely good, I don’t see any problem with it! If i was to be harsh, I would say it needs a little more bloom, aswell as a little more nuance in color.


Thanks You for your reply.
My trail dont look like this images1
Its look like this

My trail looks nice but i dont like this
If you can help to get that result reply to me

Oh! I thought the trail in the OP was your actual trail… oops.

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lol you are funny and thanks you for your reply :smiley:

probably a problem of transparency of the particles, try to remix it

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if you want to make it glowy you need to change the light emission and lightinfluence settings in particle and try adding more particles

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