Need help replicating an Orange-White Gradient effect with Roblox sand texture overlayed on top - Vertex Colors Involved?

How do does one make the gradient on the fox tail with the Roblox sand material overlayed on top?

I thought overlaying Roblox materials over image texture gradients weren’t possible, but this might’ve used Vertex Colors, but I’m not too sure



So I’ve seen this done with a mesh before but I don’t quite know how. There’s probably a better way to go about this but here is what I do.

Whenever I want to use roblox textures on a multicolored mesh, I just create a custom texture.

The simplest way to do this is to make the texture for your mesh have an overlay of a roblox texture. You can use a flat image, I get mine from this account, whose inventory serves as a sort of texture index: TextureAcc - Roblox
So sand is found here: Sand - Roblox

Now I get that image, and layer it ontop of my texture. You don’t need photoshop, I just use Pixlr which is free.

I do this by first making a solid color base, like this:

and then get the texture layer ontop and setting its blend mode to ‘multiply.’

You might need to toggle around to find the right balance of texture spread/color etc but this is how I do it :smile:
Or, if you want a more advanced texture you can find the IDs for all of the decals/images of the roblox base textures at the bottom of this documentation: Materials | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
This way you can include the actual reflective properties of the material and it’ll be a perfect match. You’d just have to use surface appearance i think but I’m not good at using that haha.

I know this is a bit tedious but It’s all I could think of, good luck!