Need help resetting stats due to broken point system

I’m In need of some help in one of my games there is a point system that broke and I need a solution on how to reset my points and my member’s points.

I couldn’t find anything on this or I must be blind. :expressionless:

I think I remember something about a short line of script you could past in the F9 menu but I can’t remember it and I’m not good to good at scripting… :confused:


Most leaderstats stuff are set up directly underneath the player.

Try putting

game.Players.Xezum.leaderstats.Prestige.Value = 0 

-- and

game.Players.Xezum.leaderstats.Points.Value = 0

inside the F9 command line.

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Thank you so much you saved my life !!!

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Well, if this is saving, exchange of doing that just change the key, or the :GetDataStore(‘name here’) name…

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