I would like to achieve the ability to retrieve a player’s rank when they are NOT in the game. I am aware that :GetRankInGroup only works when the player is in-game.
I’ve tried researching information in various places, including checking documentation specifically related to groups. However, I’m struggling to figure it out. I’ve looked at the GroupService documentation, but I couldn’t find a solution.
If anyone can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to read and/or assist!
I was reading upon it and notice if I edit it a bit to my liking to get the result I need.
For anyone that’s reading upon this topic feel free to copy the seprate function.
And ofcourse thank you Placoom. Your expertise has been invaluable! And now I can continue!
The script:
-- Function to get a player's rank in a specific group (must have targetplayerid)
local function getPlayerRankInGroup(TargetPlayerId, GroupId)
local success, playerGroups = pcall(function()
return GroupService:GetGroupsAsync(TargetPlayerId)
if success then
for _, groupInfo in pairs(playerGroups) do
if groupInfo["Id"] == GroupId then
return groupInfo["Rank"]
return nil -- Return nil if the player is not in the specified group