I’m trying to script something similar to a popular mobile game called “Ladder Master”, but i can’t figure out how to actually do it.
could anyone give me an idea of what i should use/do to make a recreation of it in roblox?
here is a video of the games gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPnPz9tC3i8
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Clone = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Clone") -- single ladder
local LadderFolder = workspace:WaitForChild("LadderFolder") -- folder where ladders have to spawn
local Many = 10 -- how much ladder you want?
local Ladder_List = {}
function CreateLadder(Index)
local LastLadder = Ladder_List[#Ladder_List]
local Ladder = Clone:Clone()
Ladder.Name = tostring(Index)
Ladder.Parent = LadderFolder
if LastLadder then
-- Ladder_List[Index] = Ladder
table.insert(Ladder_List, Ladder)
for index = 1, Many, 1 do
The upper is the position where the main part should be when a new ladder appears, for the main part it is the main position that moves all objects with it, and for the parts it is just decoration.
thank you so much! if possible could you tell me how i could make the player hold that ladder and place it at a specific point? you dont have to script it for me, just tell me what to do/use and i will figure out the rest.
EDIT: I managed to figure out the ladder placing, only thing i need now is making the player hold the ladder.
To make the player hold the ladder you could weld a couple of studs away from the player lookvector then play an animation to make it look like there holding the ladder.