I need help sending my role Data to the client side so the Role can appear for the choosen player. I am thinking about using a RemoteEvent and have tried.
I am having trouble and have tried multiple methods.
local Murderer = playerFolder[math.random(1, #playerFolder)]
table.remove(playerFolder, table.find(playerFolder, Murderer))
MurdererEvent:FireClient(Murderer, "Murderer")
local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RemoteEvents = repStorage.RemoteEvents
local MurdererEvent = RemoteEvents.Murderer
local players = game:GetService("Players")
Okay, that probably means you cannot remove the player from the table. You may be trying to remove a player instance. Try to make a player name table, and then randomize and remove. Only then can you turn the player name into a player instance.