I’m not sure if a script is needed or some setting enabled in properties
I believe this is happening because there’s two parts, the Handle of the Tool, and the part that is only connected through Hinges, the bottom isn’t welded to the handle (because if it was it wouldn’t swing)
Video of Issue:
Issue is the Hinges used for the Tool. The Part that is not Welded to the Handle but instead Attached to the Hinges on the Handle, does not keep its position with the Handle when unequipped, instead the position is locked to where it was, and then when reequipped quickly moves back to the Hinges, causing it to glide across
If the solution is a script, I’d appreciate help with that script as well as I don’t know how to program
When you unequip the tool, the location of where it was stays in that position, so when you reequip it, it quickly moves from that position into the players hand instead of being locked to the players’ position
Kind of expected since unequipped Tools are not descendants of a physical space. @Kagries solution works. Here is my very professionally made lantern example:
It kind of twitches a little whenever you equip it, probably due to HingeConstraint recalculations (both parts moving towards each other), but I alleviated a little it by adding a tiny offset to the relative offset forward with CFrame.new(0, 0, -3) to prevent the character from getting “pulled” backwards. There’s probably a better way to do this, but even without it it’s good enough.
Oh woah thanks I’ll try that, I actually made a solution of my own, it’s probably more jerry-rigged and a ridiculous solution but I thought to make a script that disables and enables the weld that attaches the two parts, and it surprisingly worked, heres the script that I used “Copilot” to make