Need help testing datastore!

Hello all!

I am in need of a quick favor. My game’s data-store has been quite glitchy lately, but I think it’s fixed. The only way to test this is for real people to try it out, so I need some people to join the game for a few minutes and then leave.

Here is the game:

Thank you so much for helping, it means a lot! :slightly_smiling_face:


I will go and cheak it now for you

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No problem I’ll test it out for you.

A quick suggestion the intro music at the beginning of the game is extremely loud, you might want to lower the volume.

Premium Lounge

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Unfortunately the minutes played does not save when you rejoin the game.

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Yeah, let me update game, which will break music but that’s okay.

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It’s updated.
(30 characters)


Everything worked for me but I don’t know what you are talking about a intro? It may be because my PC is not the best so loads in slowly.

Hi! That is a bug, it’s being fixed! Don’t worry!

The data store was working for me.

I know the following is slightly off-topic from the question but it still needs to be said:
I think your game might be infected with a virus. When I joined and left, on my “Recently Played” section I saw a game called “Loading” which is a common name that malicious scripts redirect players to. This is the page I saw for the game:

This is the owner, who looks VERY suspicious:

And when I tried to play the game it redirected me to this game:

Malicious scripts from free models and such often redirect the player to a game like the one named “Loading” and those games in turn often redirect you to another game. If any of this stuff looks familiar, then I guess you’re fine, but if you have no idea why this is appearing you should probably take a look to make sure everything is working ok. I recommend using some anti-virus plugins (make sure the “antiviruses” aren’t also malicious!) to snuff out the issues and prevent this from happening.

(I gave a like to the game by the way, I like your design and overall concept. Good work!)

Yeah, I found the scripts, (my building partner had a virus plugin… :roll_eyes:) I just updated the game, it should not happen again now!

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I am actually going to write a help post for people who have fallen for it. The script was in a a script called ‘Welding,’ and was at line 560. Everything else was blank… I will expose them for this!

The datastore worked for me! Cheers!

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Most scripts called “Weld” or something along the lines of that have code. I’ve even seen code written BACKWARDS - I saw keywords (bolded text) such as “neht” or “lacol”. As I kept trying to figure out what this meant, I started to notice it seemed backwards instead of just a custom keyword they made. When I tried to type, it sure enough went backwards. I deleted the script and saved my game luckily. So lesson learned: Never trust a script with backwards text. It’s obvious when you see jumbled up keywords.

Also if you look up models with titles that say stuff like “TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE [etc.]” they almost ALWAYS have viruses.


Yeah, we have not used models, except for the piano s.

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Still looking for a few more people to test… please make sure you leave and rejoin to confirm it works!

people have already confirmed it works; no reason to ask for more “tests” unless you actually just want visits on your game :neutral_face:

We do not know that, there have been different issues, which have been fixed, but we do not know if the new thing works. We need at least 3 people to test the new system, only one person has so far.